Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Spiritulism - A higher form of Christianity

This is written very simply but it is the easiest way to explain.
Spiritualists believe in God, and Heaven. However we do not believe that there is a Hell and a Devil engulfed in flames waiting somewhere near the centre of the earth.
There are seven levels, spiritual plains, the lowest plain being the one we are on now (Hell) Think about it, which one of us has not experienced or been subjected to either Violence, rape, crime, war just to name a few of the horrors that belong to this world, we are living in Hell, yes, we can make our lives beautiful, happy and peaceful, but make no mistake, there is suffering all around us.
This world as we know it is only the beginning phase of the spiritual journey your soul has to take, death is the beginning, not the end.
 When our physical body dies, one of two things are going to happen , we are either going to move up to a higher plain or be reincarnated and return to this world. You see, your soul (you) has to grow, and experience many different things before it is ready to move on, for example: your soul has to know pain, humility, kindness, it has to know how to give and receive love.

Lets take an example of  a child, born into a poor, abusive family, the child is beaten daily, he is never taught right from wrong, is forced to steal for survival, ends up mixing with  the wrong crowd, ends up taking drugs, and dies from an overdose at the young age of, lets say twenty two.

Now many religions would say that this young boy's soul is doomed, he will be judged and sent to hell for all the crimes he has committed.( If no one takes the time to teach a child, they will grow up ignorant) Sadly this happens a lot. 

So what happens to this young boy? God, the God of love, will send his soul back (Reincarnation) to learn what it feels like to give and receive love.
He will be born again, into a loving household, be loved and looked after, something he has never experienced before, now his soul has learnt everything it needs to know and is ready to move on, he will die, very young. This answers a question that most people have asked at some stage of their lives, "Why do babies have to die, while some people seem to live forever." The baby was young, but his soul was old.

There is a reason for everything, even though we do not understand it at the time.

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