Monday, 28 May 2012

Reincarnation -Relationships and Soul Mates, do they exist?

I have spoken about Reincarnation and why, when we die, our Aura / Spirit is sometimes attached to another physical body and sent back to Earth. Your Spirit / Auric body/ Subconcious remembers everything you did in your past life (Karma, everything we do in this life determines who we are in the next) I believe this is why Geniuses are born. Say for instance, that you were a brilliant Pianist in your last life, your Subconcious has not forgotten this talent and you may very well remember everything you learnt before ( A child Genius)
Have you ever walked into a building or been somewhere and felt that you have been there before?You probably have.

Fears and Phobias are also born from experiences in our past lives.If someone is petrified of heights for no reason,chances are that they died falling off a building or cliff in their past life.
Nothing is coincidence.

Relationships and Soul Mates 

Our Aura/ Spirit is a strong energy force that picks up energy all around us. If you are really attracted to someone it is because your Auras connect (Almost like two magnets) It can work the other way as well, Have you ever met someone and instantly disliked them? That is because your Auras are not connecting.
In love it is not looks or words that matter but how powerful the energy force is between two people. That is a love that will last.

A Soul Mate is different, to me, that is someone you loved dearly in your past life and ever since you were reborn your Spirit has been searching for that same person. I believe some people are lucky enough to find them again. This is the most powerful love of all.

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