As I mentioned in my Introduction, I am able to see people who have passed, so yes, Ghosts / Spirits do indeed exist.
Your Spirit is not a white form that pops out of your body when you die, as depicted in so many movies. The light leaving the body is your Aura, the energy all around you (see my post on auras)
Your Auric body - your real body, leaves when your physical body or vessel dies, remember your physical body is only a reflection of your Auric body, your spirit, your real body. You live on. Either you move up to a higher plain or be attached to another physical body to be born again (See my post on Spiritualism)
Many people pass away with unfinished business and try to contact loved ones. This is possible, the Aura is made up of energy which can project an image of their physical body, making themselves visible, Ghosts...

Your Auric body, your Aura ( you) is made up of energy, if that energy is strong enough, it can connect with the Auric bodies of people who have passed on. Once you open your mind and heart to this amazing possibility, you will be able to communicate with the dead. It is that simple x
Couldn't resist , this is a Sexy Ghost !
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