Friday, 1 June 2012

Find Happiness - Become a Free Spirit

The Pursuit of happiness...
First, I was dying to finish my high school and start college
And then I was dying to finish college and start working
Then I was dying to marry and have children
to grow old enough
so I could go back to work
But then I was dying to retire
And now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized
I forgot to live.

Please don"t let this happen to you, appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day.

To make money we lose our health,
and then to restore our health we lose our money...
We live as if we are never going to die,
And we die as if we never lived.

These words have always inspired me and I wanted to share them with you, be happy, don"t be around people who bring you down, love yourself and you will draw love towards you. Beauty comes from your soul, not your outward appearance. have you ever met anyone who at first appearance does not seem very attractive  but after speaking to them for a while you start to think that they are possibly one of the most interesting, beautiful, people you have ever met? because they are confident in themselves, happy with themselves and that is the image they project.

So start to see the world differently, don't just moan that it's raining again, run out side and feel the rain on your face, don't just look at the grass, lie on it and smell the earth, hear the wind , hear the birds and insects, and be impulsive.If your job makes you miserable- leave, find something that will make you happy, remember it is your life, you are the captain of your own ship and no one can make you happy but yourself x

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